Our Groups

The placement of our students in groups is for us the most important process during the period of registration in our school. Homogenous groups including students with similar goals form the basis of success.
Groups of 4-5 students
We create small groups of 4-5 students. Yet, during the school year this number can rise up to 6 students. In case of a 7th student, the group splits.
Close Groups of 3-4 students
Close groups including 3-4 students of the same potential provide us the possibility to adjust our teaching by creating a high standard programme of studies in order to have excellent results.
Private lessons in groups of 1-2 students
Personalized teaching in form of private lessons for every student who wishes personal support to achieve their goals. These lessons can aim at a specific part of the syllabus, can be of limited duration or even cover the whole school year so as to serve the concentration and dedication that the student’s learning profile asks for.